thank you for tuning into my video i'm going to talk about fluconazole. fluconazole is a pharmaceutical antifungaldrug. it's also known by the name of diflucan. fluconazole is also present in a vaginal creamcalled canesten that many women tend to use. i've seen many patients over the years who'vetaken diflucan. some with reasonably good success, but in most case, the drug has beentaken recurrently with very, very poor long-term
canesten, results.the best result you're going to get from any pharmaceutical drug usually is the very firsttime you take it. the body's not used to the drug. it will have a powerful effect and givethe desired result. but then what happens is the drug is discontinued, so then the symptomscome back, and the drug is used again and
again and again. and eventually, the bodybuilds resistance to diflucan. the resistance is well documented.i've seen some patients who take this drug weekly or monthly for years on end with badresults. and in many cases, they end up with significant side effects, particularly hepaticor liver side effects because diflucan affects phase ii or the glucoronidation pathway ofthe liver and it can make a person quite nauseous or sick. they can get skin reactions. theycan get headaches. they can get insomnia. they can get a whole range of different sideeffects from diflucan. i've got a pharmaceutical drug guide hereand i'm going to read out some of the common side effects of diflucan or fluconazole. sideeffects include gastrointestinal upset, headaches,
elevated liver function test, abnormal vision,skin odor, skin rashes, hot flashes, weakness, thirst, shaking in the body, polyuria, whichmeans urinating a lot, renal pain or pain in the lower pain, kidney pain, dizziness,seizures, skin itching, sweating, fevers, drug eruptions, more skin rashes, sleepingdisturbances and insomnia, nervousness, pain, female sexual dysfunction, menstrual disorders,respiratory disorders, deafness, heartburn, high blood pressure, liver damage. why thehell would you want to take a drug that creates all these problems just to give you some temporaryrelief from a vaginal yeast infection or some kind of a yeast infection you might have?there are natural ways you can get on top of these infections without resorting to drugs.have a look at for some
natural solutions. if you're thinking aboutan antifungal drug and you want to get some results but don't want the side effects withit, have a look at the product i developed called canxida. it's going to be more powerfulthan fluconazole. you don't need to take it for years on end. you're not going to getall of these side effects that i've just read out here. it's certainly worth a shot.think about it. if you're going to take fluconazole, take it once, but don't take it recurrently.there's no point in it. you're wasting your time doing that. you're only going to getdrug resistance and also liver toxicity from taking it.i hope that answers a frequently asked question i get on this particular drug fluconazole.thank you for tuning in.
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