Rabu, 11 Oktober 2017

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you can see the future in two ways and with this i'll finish: fast; urban; tribal; universal; radical; ethical world. you can see itin two ways: you can see it as a fast, urban, universalworld which is the world of most of your clients. technology, globalisation, demographics andlifestyles.

car rental in lausanne switzerland, or, you can move the cube just through 180degrees and you see a very different picture. yousee a world that's very radical, very ethical and very tribal. and myquestion to the ceo's of some of the largest companies in the world,

has been this: how many people would ittake, if you are the chairman of ibn, or bp, orexxonmobil, of credit suits, how many people wouldit take, in your world, your shareholders, yourworkers, to be very tribal, organised, tight? organised. very radical in their thinking,and very ethnically motivated, and remember,al qaeda has ethics, you might like them, but they have ethics. you might not think that they're moral ethicsbut they are ethics.

okay. how many people need to be veryradical, very ethical, very tribal, in a town or acity, or a nation, to totally change thebusiness model of one of your clients? do you know what the ceo's answer? it's always the same: 0.5 to 2 percent they say. of their shareholders, workers, things like that. we need to be very radical in our thinking. very ethnically motivated, very tribal,tight, together, well-organised to totally transform a country. and you see those forces in operation at the moment

in obvious ways, in places like saudi, inafghanistan. but you also see them in south africa. you see them in cape town, you see them in east london, you see themhere in dimension data. you see them in every organisation, inevery part of our society. so what's the lesson? the lesson my friends is this: the cubeis weighted. for you, it keeps coming up fast, technology, speed of change. often itcomes up universal, and quite often, urban, demographics,lifestyles, fashions, fads. but every now and then,

it may just twist and turn and come up witha tribal face. it may just come up, with a radical issue. itmay just come up, with a major ethical question. and you'llfind, these particular faces therefore, alsoneed to be watched. so take hold of the future, or the futurewill take hold of you.

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this is a time for innovation, invention.but let's put people right at the centre of the technologies we create. let's always remember why we're here,which is for a better world, and just keep turning the cube. thank youvery much. thank you.

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